Contribute to this guide

This guide lives from people sharing their knowledge. Everything here is open source and under a free Creative Commons license. Help to develop the content further.

How to add content to this guide

To contribute to this guide, install this page locally and then create a pull request. You can find instructions on how to do this in the (

Format your content Content should be in Markdown format and you shouldn’t remove .yml comments on top of the .md files, errors may occur if you remove them.

Create a new special interest guide

To create a new guide for special interest users, e.g. ‘EO for pets 🐶’, duplicate the example-guide directory. Give the folder suitable name. In the inner of example-guide you can find another folder. This is the first section of your guide. Give the folder also a suitable name, like ‘Why dogs should use satellite data’. Place the content for this section in the of your section directory.

Publish your new guide

To publish your guide and display it on the homepage you have to add your pages to the grid-navigation: section. Please, take a look at the example:

- title: My new guide
      excerpt: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt.
        - title: Section 1 title
          url: '/section-1/'

This site is open source. Please, help us to improve the content on this page.